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Breed Information:

Eloise is an AKC/UKC Standard Poodle

Eloise is an AKC/UKC Standard Poodle
good dog breeder poodle great good excellent ethical responsible badge certified

Size Information

Eloise will weigh 60 pounds at maturity.

Color & Coat Type

Eloise is a sable brindle tuxedo parti poodle. Eloise has a tight, coarse, non-shedding poodle coat.

Personality & Temperament

She is a really cool pup. Eloise is generally very calm and collected, but definitely has a fun, sporty side! We can't wait to see what kind of mama she grows into somday!


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PR22335104 - Rebecca Creek's Eloise Myrtle Moon

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PR17255005 - Angels Sharpshooting Man

PR19820003 - Mesquite's Expert Analyst

Health Testing

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We feel it to be good practice to provide our dogs' health testing results to you without you having to request them.  We strive to be as reasonably transparent about our program as possible. 


Any health testing documents that we share with you are our property and should not be screenshotted, printed, shared, or reproduced in any way.

We take legal action against those that copy our images and/or written content.

Click on the icon below to view all health testing documents for this dog

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